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The fast-paced and interconnected landscape brings both benefits and new risks. So, when something gets out into the ether, it can spread – and people can exploit it. Businesses should take extra care to protect sensitive information and trade secrets. Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) play a vital role in safeguarding confidential information and maintaining relationships. However, navigating the legal complexities surrounding these agreements can be challenging.

In this article, Hoegen & Associates, P.C., in Wilkes-Barre, PA, will explore the do’s and don’ts of non-disclosure agreements in Pennsylvania, offering insights, tips, and precautions to help businesses regarding enforceability and effectiveness of NDAs.

Do you have a case and need experienced legal assistance? Contact us at Hoegen & Associates today.

Setting Up Non-Disclosure Agreements: The Do’s

Consult A Knowledgeable And Experienced Lawyer

When it comes to drafting non-disclosure agreements, consulting with a skilled business attorney is virtually essential. They can provide expert guidance and ensure the agreement covers all necessary provisions to protect your business’s confidential information.

Clearly Define Confidential Information

It is crucial to clearly identify the specific information that will be classified as confidential under the NDA. This can include trade secrets, customer lists, financial data, marketing strategies, or any other proprietary information unique to your business.

Include Non-Compete Clauses If Applicable

Non-compete clauses restrict the parties involved from engaging in similar business activities during or after the agreement’s validity. Including such clauses can serve as an added layer of protection against competitors gaining access to your valuable information.

Establish Enforceability

To ensure the enforceability of the NDA, it is important to include provisions that outline consequences for breaching the agreement. This may include legal action and seeking damages resulting from the breach.

Consider The Duration

Set a reasonable duration for the non-disclosure agreement. While the length may vary depending on the nature of the business and the information being protected, an organization should aim to strike a balance between adequate protection and practicality.

Navigating Existing Non-Disclosure Agreements: The Don’ts

Don’t Neglect Regular Reviews

As your business evolves, periodically review and update your non-disclosure agreements to ensure they align with the current realities of your organization.

Avoid Ambiguity

Vague or ambiguous language can open the door to interpretation and potential disputes. Be clear and specific in defining the scope of confidentiality and the obligations of the parties involved.

Hoegen & Associates will draft language that is specific and provides legal protection.

Don’t Overlook Consideration

For an NDA to be legally binding, it must include consideration – something of value exchanged between the parties. Examples of consideration can include employment, access to proprietary information, or financial compensation.

Avoid One-Size-Fits-All Templates

While templates can serve as a starting point, an organization should not rely solely on them. Each business has its unique needs and circumstances, and customizing the agreement is necessary to maximize its effectiveness.

Don’t Ignore Local Laws & Regulations

Non-disclosure agreements must comply with Pennsylvania’s specific laws and regulations. Ensure your NDA adheres to the legal requirements and take into account any recent changes or updates.

Importance Of Experienced Legal Guidance

Navigating the intricacies of non-disclosure agreements can be overwhelming for businesses. Having an experienced lawyer specializing in business law and confidentiality can provide the necessary guidance to avoid common pitfalls and ensure the protection of your trade secrets. They can help a client understand the legal implications, negotiate terms, and take appropriate action in case of breaches.


Non-disclosure agreements are vital tools for businesses aiming to protect their trade secrets and maintain a competitive edge. By following the do’s and avoiding the don’ts discussed in this article, businesses in Pennsylvania can ensure the enforceability and effectiveness of their NDAs. However, it is crucial to seek guidance from knowledgeable and experienced legal professionals.

At Hoegen & Associates, our team of skilled attorneys has helped businesses set up and navigate non-disclosure agreements for years. We understand the importance of confidentiality and can assist companies in safeguarding valuable information effectively.