When you are going to appeal your taxes, retaining a tax appeal lawyer Chester County, PA has to offer may be a good idea. Our attorneys have years of experience in representing taxpayers to obtain reductions, and have handled in excess of 800 cases. Appeals are first filed to local assessment boards in Pennsylvania. If, and when necessary, appeals are handled at the court level of common pleas, but can be elevated to the appellate courts.
Issues We Have Handled
Our firm is well versed in a broad range of tax appeal matters, including:
- Real estate valuation appeals
- Property tax appeals
- Real estate tax exemption
- Preferential assessment issues
- Constitutional issues
- + More
If you would like to explore your legal options for filing a tax appeal, please reach out to a Chester County, PA tax appeal lawyer today.
Mistakes You Can Make During a Tax Appeal
Every year, Pennsylvania residents will receive their property tax assessments. Many owners will disagree with the increase in their taxes, and wish to appeal what is being said. Luckily, the tax assessor’s word is not always final. There are ways to appeal a property tax assessment; particularly when you believe it is inaccurate. That being said, there are a number of mistakes that can be made which ultimately would hinder the chances of success. The following are some of those mistakes you can make during a tax appeal:
Missing an Appeal Hearing – If you have a tax appeal hearing, and you overlook it or do not appear, it is very likely that the appeal will be withdrawn. You would likely forfeit your chances of appealing until the following year.
Relying on a Neighbors’ Assessment – If your tax assessment was higher than your neighbors, you might feel that it is unfair and valid grounds to file an appeal. Every property is assessed on its own value for sales. A comparison of a neighbors’ property is generally not sufficient to win an appeal.
Making Too Many Arguments – You might feel like the more evidence you provide, the more likely you will win a tax appeal. Too much evidence can hurt your case. Less is usually more, as is presenting a concise, targeted, and structured argument.
Not Appealing the Appeal – Even if you lose your first appeal, you can often appeal the case at a higher review board. If you don’t know these procedures or rules, you could miss the small window of being able to do so. Calling a tax appeal lawyer in Chester County, PA may be in your best interest.
Representing Yourself – As a property owner, you might feel that you know enough to defend yourself in a tax appeal. These hearings can be intimidating, and you may be asked a number of questions related to appraisals, home improvements, and more. What you say can be used against you.
What is an assessment?
An assessment is the percentage of the market value of your property. The percentage is known as the predetermined ratio. In Chester County the assessment represents 100% of the appraised (full market value) as of the base year. Our tax appeal lawyer can help you in your property assessment.
What’s the significance of property assessment?
Under Pennsylvania statute, property taxes are the primary source of revenue for county and municipal governments, and school districts. Property taxes, which are calculated using property assessments, fund critical services including public safety (fire, police and ambulance), education, corrections, the court system, public health programs, and human service programs.
How do I, as the property owner, appeal an assessment?
If the taxpayer does not agree with the assessment and/or effective date, the property owner has the right to file a Notice of Intention of Appeal with the Chester County Board of Assessment Appeals. This Notice of Intention of Appeal must be filed on or before the last day to appeal as indicated on the Assessment Change Notice. The last day to appeal, as indicated, pertains to both the assessment and the effective date. Upon receipt of the Notice, the Board of Assessment Appeals will schedule an appeal hearing and notify the taxpayer and the taxing authorities of the date and time. The taxpayer should be prepared to provide documentation and/or exhibits in support of his/her opinion of value and/or documentation to ascertain a “date certain” for the effective date, if this is at issue. In the event that the taxpayer remains dissatisfied after the Board’s action, further appeal can be taken to the Court of Common Pleas. As a taxpayer, you do not have to incur the strain of an appeal, we at Hoegen & Associates, P.C. have a professional Tax appeal lawyer in Chester County, PA who can help you appeal for an assessment.
The property tax is used as a revenue source by the county government, 14 school districts and most of the 73 municipalities in Chester County. It is the responsibility of the County Assessment Office to place a value on each parcel of land and any improvements (structures) thereon. Assessments are derived by assessors who are state certified under Pennsylvania law. After an assessment is generated or changed the property owner is mailed a “Change In Assessment” notice. All property owners have the right to appeal if they do not agree with the assessment of their property. If an appeal is initiated by a school district or municipality, the attorney must provide the Board of Assessment with a copy of a Certificate of Service verifying that the property owner was notified of the appeal within five days of the appeal filing.
Call a Leading Tax Appeal Lawyer in Chester County, PA
At Hoegen & Associates, P.C., we help property owners, and other individuals or businesses appeal tax assessments and other related matters. To talk to a tax appeal lawyer in Chester County, PA, call Hoegen & Associates, P.C.